Monthly Archives: September 2013

Soft Drinks, nothing soft about them!


Soft Drinks, nothing soft about them! Soft Drink timing when it hits your system: 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hits your system. This equates to 100% of your recommended daily intake. 20 minutes: Sugar spike. The liver metabolises sugar into fat. 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption complete 45 minutes:  Serotonin production increases making you feel [...]

Soft Drinks, nothing soft about them!2021-10-15T14:31:17+10:30

10 Tips for a better diet


10 TIPS FOR A BETTER DIET 1. Avoid artificial sweeteners 2. Eat a varied diet of fresh, organic, whole foods that are as close to their natural state as possible 3. Eat raw foods - the more you cook your food, the lower the levels of vitamins that remain in them 4. Drink pure filtered water - at least [...]

10 Tips for a better diet2021-10-15T14:31:29+10:30



“Pink Risotto” I love fresh beetroot from the garden. This great vegetable contains potassium, magnesium, iron, Vitamin A, B6, C,  folic acid and powerful anti-oxidants. One of my favourite recipes is “pink risotto”. This recipe will feed approx. 4.   1) Fry off 1 diced onion and 2 garlic cloves in some olive oil. 2)  Add [...]

PINK RISOTTO RECIPE2021-10-15T14:32:41+10:30
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