Covid-19 Infection Control Training
Paije2020-03-27T04:54:18+10:30Allied Health Professionals are doing all that we can in Australia to stay up to date with the latest information and keep our patients safe.
Allied Health Professionals are doing all that we can in Australia to stay up to date with the latest information and keep our patients safe.
As some of you are aware, some big things have been happening to people around me. Sometimes when life becomes a bit overwhelming, it can be difficult to see past the negative and look at what you are grateful for. Being a ‘glass half full’ kind of gal, this got me thinking about the positives [...]
As we are approaching the end of the year, it is a great time to brainstorm the many positive outcomes that we are thankful for. You may be thankful for a healthy year, for new friends in your life, or for re-connecting with some old ones, having the ability to spend time with your family. [...]
Dr Paije graduated in 2008 from RMIT University with a Bachelor and Masters degree after experiencing the benefits of chiropractic care throughout most of her childhood. While in her fifth year Dr Paije was one of three students chosen to travel to Cambodia to treat children in orphanages, land mine victims, and people with [...]